ERI winner in the “Best Compliance Solution” category at the WealthBriefing Swiss Awards 2021


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February 2021
ERI Bancaire - Wealth Briefing Swiss Awards 2021

ERI, with its OLYMPIC Banking System software application, has been recognised as Best Compliance Solution by WealthBriefing, the leading online journal and news website dedicated to serving the Private Banking and Wealth Management sector.

WealthBriefing said of the award: “As the winner’s submission points out regulations are a never-ending story, and ERI was able to demonstrate that it supports its clients by focusing not only on their business opportunities but also by ensuring that they have the data available to meet the relevant regulatory and reporting requirements as they evolve. The judges were impressed that with its compliance workflows and monitoring OLYMPIC Banking System gives a significant advantage in acquiring and keeping clients, and selling them the most relevant products and services.”

Commenting on the award, Nicholas Hacking, Director of Sales at ERI said: «For over 30 years, we’ve been offering our solution to a wide variety of financial organisations across a number of different sectors, including the Private Banking and Wealth Management sector. We have won multiple awards in several locations which is great for an international company such as ours. It is wonderful to yet again receive an award and we are delighted to have been voted a winner in this prestigious programme by so many of the industry’s thought leaders.

Compliance is now at the heart of any financial organisation’s operations and therefore we are thrilled to have won the Best Compliance Solution award, not because we are a specialist solution for compliance but because it underlines how the OLYMPIC Banking System supports the compliance function and facilitates storing and providing data to other applications when necessary.”

ClearView Financial Media

ClearView Financial Media was founded by Chief Executive Stephen Harris in 2004, to provide high-quality ‘need to know’ information for the discerning private client community. London-based, but with a truly global focus, ClearView publishes the Family Wealth Report group of newswires, along with research reports and newsletters, while also running a pan-global thought-leadership events programme.

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