Loan management software
Streamlined processes to deliver an easy and intuitive lending experience
A seamless lending experience
Managing loans and the related workflows has become a complex task for many institutions, requiring significant effort to adapt technology and resources.
Nowadays, borrowers are used to being offered a digital experience for their day-to-day banking activities, so they expect an easy and intuitive experience, and the flexibility to apply for their loans whenever and however they want. Moreover regulatory pressure around lending has always been high, and this will remain a key area.
Technology-driven enhancements can help institutions to achieve increased operational efficiency and lower costs, reducing their burden. In fact, an integrated technology solution will be capable of supporting and managing complex loans by automating processes, workflows and data transfers, allowing banks and financial institutions to meet borrowers’ needs.

“We are extremely ambitious when it comes to choosing what banking services we offer our clients and we wanted to be sure to have the right solution. We carefully evaluated the packages available and concluded that the OLYMPIC Banking System was the perfect match for our current and future requirements.”
Build a holistic, client-centric, digital loan management experience
Lower operating costs
Fully integrated loan processing workflows lower operational costs and reduce the risk of error.
Regulatory compliance
Automatically embed regulatory constraints into workflows, making sure the activities performed are fully compliant with all major local or international regulatory requirements.
Agility & scalability
Eliminate complexity with a scalable and integrated solution and streamlined processes, for increased operational efficiency.
Omnichannel & real-time
Update the loan-to-value (LTV) and utilisation data in real-time, easily accessible on any device.
The extensive parameter-driven system enables institutions to respond quickly to new business opportunities, offering new types of loans with a shorter time to market, and to speed up the loan acceptance process. Instructions are parameter-driven for seamless transfers between different stakeholders.
Ecosystem connectivity
Connect all your loan-related workflows with the desired digital channels and third parties.
Optimised end-to-end workflows
OLYMPIC Banking System delivers an integrated solution, in one entry point, that fits and responds perfectly to the needs of banks and financial institutions:
Fully integrated loan lifecycle
Manage the entire lending process from application to acceptance, generating contracts and managing re-negotiations, as well as account opening. Manage default payment and debt collection procedures. Simulate and manage amortisation plans by collecting all the required financial information. Manage disbursements by different methods, automatically process maturities, manage early payoffs, and collect corresponding fees and commissions.
Document management
Manage document related workflows by loan type. Automatically list the mandatory documents for each step of the loan processing lifecycle. Automate document validation checks required to process to the next step of the lifecycle.
Support any type of loan
Streamline and automate processes for all types of loan, individual and corporate, including consumer loans, mortgages, syndicated loans, corporate financing, etc. Define specific models based on the type of loan.
Operational risk management
Integrate IFRS 9 regulatory constraints throughout the lifecycle and adapt to local regulatory requirements. Manage credit lines and facilities linked to an account, such as interest rates, cross lending or cross collateral. Manage accruals, impairments and loan reclassification.
Fees & Commissions
Automatically calculate fees based on loan type, via a process that is fully customisable by type of contract and by client. Manage forex and interest, synchronously or asynchronously.
Collateral management
Identify and manage collateral, including warehouse receipts, hypothecs, insurance, bonds and portfolios.