Order management system

Generate, control and execute trades automatically

Reduce risks, optimise processes

Financial institutions are under increasing pressure to stay competitive in a highly regulated environment. Indeed, institutions face significant challenges in being able to optimise order management processing and control costs. Besides this, ensuring compliance with ever-changing regulations remains a costly and time-consuming process, especially when trying to manage it across disparate systems. Data accuracy is another key area of risk.  For instance, pre- and post-trade checks can be performed in the order management system to reduce operational risks.

Integration of market data is giving financial institutions the flexibility they need to speed up order generation and more accurately proceed with execution and settlement.  With its fully integrated order management system, the OLYMPIC Banking System, empowers financial institutions with automated trade lifecycle management and streamlined investments across their portfolios.


“We want our investors to be able to take advantage of the dynamic trading opportunities in the most lucrative way, whether they are new or seasoned investors. With over three decades of excellence and global presence, ERI’s solid expertise will help us attain this objective, which will be another milestone in our customer experience journey.”

– Parikshat Tulsidas,

Senior Executive – Treasury & Markets at AfrAsia Bank


Optimised cost control and mitigated operational risks

Lower TCO

Fully integrated streamlined processes using a single source of data drive automation at scale, enabling brokers and dealers to focus on their core business activities.

Reduced operational risks

Monitor and manage operational risks that may result in non-compliance with MiFID II. The risk management challenges of MiFID II need to be taken into account with respect to trading capabilities and investor protection requirements.

Agility & Reactivity

Simplify and streamline your order processing. Eliminate complexity thanks to a scalable and robust technology that will simplify your IT architecture: no data replication, no need for data reconciliation, no possible discrepancy between the front/middle/back office and client reporting. The transmission and execution of stock exchange orders to third parties is also carried out in real time.

Real-time STP

Access customer assets and transactions 24×7 and in real time. Order execution is immediately reflected in the client’s securities positions and account balances. Each transaction follows defined procedures according to the statuses attributed to the transaction during processing.

Fully integrated processes

The routing of orders across the full trade lifecycle, from order input to execution and account posting, can be traced right through to the trade settlement. All messages and advice notes sent to relevant parties are generated or imported from counterparties automatically.

Open ecosystem

OLYMPIC Banking System has standard interfaces with multiple messaging systems.
Messages to brokers can be sent using the FIX protocol format. The system connects with market standard trading systems.

High-performing order management

OLYMPIC Banking System’s order management solution offers the functionality required to enable efficient and streamlined order and trade processing:

Multi-channel order capture
There are various ways to input orders in the OLYMPIC Banking System: directly from the client’s portfolio, via the order book, via any front-office client application, via e-banking, via the portfolio management system or via any third-party front-office system using our standard APIs. After input, each transaction type is automatically routed to a defined user or user-group for validation and/or execution.

Order status monitoring
Receive order status messages (order sent, modified, cancelled, partially/totally executed, etc.) and view them in real time. All relevant error messages as well as ACKs and NACKs are also managed.

Order execution
Execute orders without any manual intervention thanks to an automated process covering the entire security purchase/sale, from entry of the order right through to messaging and billing the client. Manage bulk orders, group orders with the same characteristics, manage orders on derivatives, securities, forex, payments and funds (via a transfer agent) as well as fiduciary orders, collateral, warrants and auctions. Manage orders in amount and quantity.

Fees & commissions
Perform pre-trade fee simulations. Fees and commissions are calculated and applied by the system automatically based on tariff structures defined by the institution in configuration tables, including broker and counterparty commissions.

Client reporting
Deliver personalised, analytics-driven performance reports to your clients.

Risk management
Compliance and suitability checks are integrated at every step of the investment process. This includes checks relating to MiFID, investment constraints, sub-accounts and limitations, amongst others. Pre-trade checks are performed thanks to integration with the core banking system. The full audit trail of each order, with timestamps, can be traced.

Let’s get in touch

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