Portfolio management software

Holistic portfolio performance and risk management

Optimising portfolio management

Private wealth managers have seen their profession deeply impacted by market volatility, continuous regulatory constraints and increased pressure on costs and fees. The way that individuals approach wealth management has greatly evolved, and institutions need to take into account their clients’ expectations for a holistic approach to managing their wealth that comprises overall life goals and long-term plans.

OLYMPIC Banking System provides a seamless client experience, sharing in-depth analyses to facilitate informed decision-making and generate transactions.


“As an example of the efficiencies obtained from using the OLYMPIC Banking System, Cidel Asset Management has processed, for a single client, over 77,000 individual trades and settled the trades with multiple custodians. This entire operation was done without a single error or a failed trade. The error-free implementation and strong investment performance gave the client confidence to increase his allocation to us in the succeeding months.”

– Craig Rimer,

CEO of Cidel Bank & Trust Inc.


Real-time positions and portfolio valuations

Lower operating costs

Fully integrated, streamlined processes using a single source of data are driving automation at scale and enable portfolio or relationship managers to focus on what is most important: client satisfaction.

Integrated agility

The Portfolio Management System is fully integrated with the core banking platform and easily interfaces with satellite solutions, allowing end-to-end traceability. Access information with no data replication, thereby avoiding reconciliation and discrepancies from front to back.

Real-time portfolio valuations

Portfolios are evaluated in real time based on market prices and currency rates, allowing monitoring of unrealised profit or loss on positions. Valuations can be customised according to the user’s needs: by asset class, maturity, currency, sector, country or fund composition.

Smart workflows

Simplified data restitution and aggregation through clear and structured dashboards facilitate well-informed decision-making.

High-performing investment strategies

OLYMPIC’s Portfolio Management System offers the functionalities required to enable portfolios managers to provide high-value-added services to their clients:

Portfolio analysis
Access detailed and consolidated views and consult historical positions to perform advanced analyses.

Risk management
Manage operational risks from front to back with integrated workflows. View risks, set restrictions and limits, and perform simulations of liquidity risks, including “what if” scenarios and value at risk (VaR) analyses.

Asset allocation models
Intuitive to manage, the investment strategy allocation can easily be adapted in line with the evolution of the market or an investment committee’s requirements. Create portfolio strategies tailored to each customer segment based on asset allocation models.

Performance analytics
Portfolio managers can calculate performance for several portfolios at position, client or portfolio level based on the CFA Institute’s GIPS. The performance contribution is calculated on the basis of asset class and sector, using various performance calculation methods: TTWR/TWR/MWR-IRR – gross/net of fees. A portfolio’s performance can be compared against benchmarks.

Portfolio rebalancing
Portfolios can be rebalanced at any time in order to comply with a strategy. The deviation of a client portfolio from its associated investment strategy can be seen online and can also be configured to appear on specific reports.

Access to the OMS
Manage the full order lifecycle, from input to booking through status monitoring and execution.

Client reporting
Produce client reporting, fully integrated in the web apps suite using an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface. Deliver personalised, analytics-driven performance, tax and regulatory reports to your clients.




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