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ERI dans le Top 100 de l’IDC FinTech Rankings 2024
ERI dans le Top 100 de l’IDC FinTech Rankings 2024

For over two decades, the IDC FinTech Rankings list has categorized and evaluated technology providers strictly based on previous calendar year revenue derived from financial service organizations (banking, insurance, or capital markets) and/or directly to fintech solution providers. These 150 companies are the largest fintech’s in the world.

WealthTech 100
WealthTech 100

The 6th annual WealthTech100 list has been launched by FinTech Global, naming the technology companies transforming the operations of investment firms, private banks and financial advisors.

Ardshinbank choisit OLYMPIC Banking System
Ardshinbank choisit
OLYMPIC Banking System

ERI est ravie d’annoncer qu’Ardshinbank CJSC, une banque arménienne de premier plan, a choisi OLYMPIC Banking System pour soutenir le développement de ses opérations sur titres et sur devises.

ERI is a WealthTech 100 company
ERI is a WealthTech 100 company

The 2023 WealthTech100 annual list highlights the companies leveraging technology to solve a significant industry problem or generate efficiency improvements across the investment value chain.

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